(4) Dyrektywę 2006/48/WE Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady z dnia 14 czerwca 2006 r. w sprawie podejmowania i prowadzenia działalności przez instytucje kredytowe (3) oraz dyrektywę 2006/49/WE Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady z dnia 14 czerwca 2006 r. w sprawie adekwatności kapitałowej firm inwestycyjnych i instytucji kredytowych (4) kilkakrotnie w istotny sposób zmieniono.


eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 ‘Covered Bonds’ according to Article 129(1) of CRR; „Pokrivene obveznice” u skladu s člankom 129. stavkom 1. CRR-a; EurLex-2. The bond between brothers, that is the sword that defends our empire Obitelj, veza među braćom, to je mač koji brani naše carstvo.

2020-01-10 256 ust. 2 CRR. […] 256 ust. 2 CRR. EurLex-2 EurLex-2 . nominal amounts (or amortized cost) of insured exposures as well as of the amount of credit protection bought, kwoty nominalne (lub koszty zamortyzowane) ubezpieczonych ekspozycji oraz kwota zakupionej ochrony kredytowej, EurLex-2 EurLex … eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 ‘Covered Bonds’ according to Article 129(1) of CRR; „Pokrivene obveznice” u skladu s člankom 129. stavkom 1. CRR-a; EurLex-2.

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Look through examples of CRR translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar. Az EU Bizottság 2016. november 23-án tette közzé a CRD irányelvet és a CRR rendeletet módosító javaslatait, melynek fő témakörei a tőkeáttételi és az NSFR mutató szabályainak a véglegezése, a piaci- és partnerkockázati, valamint a központi szerződő felekkel (CCP) szembeni kitettségek kockázati súlyozásának felülvizsgálata, illetve az arányosság elvén alapuló CRR Tillsynslagen, Lagen om kapitalbuffertar 25 till… 2014:12, 2014:1, 2007:16, 20 till.. Eba Riktlinjer Last update: 06/04/2020 DELIVERED/ADOPTED WORK IN PROGRESS WORK NOT STARTED Page 1 Immpplemmeennttiin ngg aTTeecchhniiccall eSSttaannddaarrddss Ussuupppplleemmen ntti inngg iRReegguullaattiioonn ((EEU)) 557755//22001133 ((CC RRR)) aandd DDirreeccttivvee 22001133//3366//EEUU ((CCRRDD)) EurLex-2. Institute, Die Institute weisen die Verluste nach den in Artikel 324 der CRR definierten Ereigniskategorien in den jeweiligen Spalten 010 bis 070 aus. eurlex-diff-2018-06-20. be the risk weighted exposure amounts for credit risk and own funds requirements of settlement/delivery risk as per CRR, eurlex-diff-2017 CRR-a).

Jun 16, 2016 Article 4(1)(84) of the CRR also contains the definition of the 'simple repurchase agreement', it means 'a repurchase transaction of a single 

w sprawie adekwatności kapitałowej firm inwestycyjnych i instytucji kredytowych (4) kilkakrotnie w istotny sposób zmieniono. Discussion paper on the treatment of structural FX under Article 352(2) of the CRR; Guidelines on Stressed Value-At-Risk (Stressed VaR) Guidelines on corrections to modified duration for debt instruments; Guidelines on criteria for the use of data inputs in the expected shortfall risk measure under the IMA Interactive Single Rulebook. The Interactive Single Rulebook is an on-line tool that provides a comprehensive compendium of the level 1 text for the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR); the Capital Requirements Directive (CRD); Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive (BRRD); the Deposit Guarantee Schemes Directive (DGSD); Anti Money Laundering Directive (AMLD); Mortgage Credit Directive (MCD The current rules on banking prudential requirements are established by Directive 2013/36/EU and Regulation (EU) No 575/2013, collectively known as CRD IV/CRR.

Enligt CRR II skulle bruttosoliditetsbufferten för globala systemviktiga institut på: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/SV/TXT/?uri=CELEX:52020PC0310.

eurlex-diff-2018-06-20. Denne celle må ikke bruges til at medtage kapitalposter/-fradrag, som ikke er omfattet af CRR, i beregningen af soliditetsgraden UNDER ARTICLE 430(8) OF THE CRR 3 The EA’s approach to the study 10.In order to address the mandate as specified in the CRR, the EBA needs to collect and assess detailed information on the cost of compliance with the reporting requirements incurred since the application of the EBA ITS on Supervisory Reporting. Visit our UK CRR reporting pages for more information on supervisory reporting under UK CRR, including technical information and updates on COREP/FINREP. Residential mortgages UK CRR/CRD IV allow preferential capital treatment for credit risk in relation to certain types of residential mortgage exposures, if the underlying residential property market has long-standing positive characteristics. Zkontrolujte 'CRR' překlady do čeština. Prohlédněte si příklady překladu CRR ve větách, eurlex-diff-2018-06-20. General risk defined in Article 362 of CRR. In the case of exposures subject to the double default treatment the LGD to be reported shall correspond to the one selected according to Article 161(4) of CRR. EurLex-2 Om en clearingmedlem råkar i obestånd , ska en central motpart innan andra medel tas i anspråk för förlusttäckning använda de marginalsäkerheter som denne ställt.

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The new CRD V rules are to be applied 18 months after 10 rows 2019-04-25 The current rules on banking prudential requirements are established by Directive 2013/36/EU and Regulation (EU) No 575/2013, collectively known as CRD IV/CRR.. They provide for the adoption of a large number of delegated and implementing acts in order to give full effect to the banking single rule book. Guidelines on supervisory reporting and disclosure requirements in compliance with CRR “quick fix” in response to the COVID‐19 pandemic; Implementing Technical Standard on Supervisory Reporting (Asset Encumbrance) Implementing Technical Standard on Supervisory Reporting (Forbearance and non-performing exposures) Context and objectives. In November 2016, the European Commission (EC) proposed a banking reform package to introduce further risk-reduction measures and advance the completion of the European post-crisis regulatory reforms. This banking package, as agreed by the European Parliament on 16 April 2019, implements some international rules for banks – set by the Basel Committee on Banking CRR. The amendments to the CRR are as follows: Article 325e on the components of the SBM is amended to exclude instruments that reference an exotic underlying from the possibility to calculate own funds requirements only for the delta risk. In addition, it is … en Value according to Article 418 of the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR) — Regulation (EU) No 575/2013.
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eur-lex.europa.eu. Jun 4, 2019 6 https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX: 52018DC0097&from=EN 7 The six EU environmental objectives are:  Dec 18, 2019 United Kingdom (and EU regulation).

575/2013 o kapitálových požadavcích 319 CRR).Mogą istnieć kwoty, które należy zgłosić w wierszach odpowiadających »bankowości komercyjnej« i »bankowości detalicznej« według metody standardowej (wiersze 060 i 070), jak również w wierszach 110 i 120 w przypadku alternatywnej metody standardowej (np.
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Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR): REGULATION (EU) No 575/2013 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 26 June 2013 on Recital: Recital

the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR) and the Capital Requirements Directive (CRD), which were adopted in 2013 and set out prudential requirements for credit institutions and investment firms as well as rules on governance and supervision; EurLex-2 Med avseende på CRR och denna mall är minoritetsintressen för ovan angivna dotterföretag de primärkapitaltillskott (plus tillhörande balanserade vinstmedel och överkursfonder) som ägs av andra personer än de företag som ingår i konsolideringen i enlighet med CRR. EurLex-2. Denna post omfattar även kreditlänkade obligationer (artikel 218 i CRR). This item also includes credit linked notes (Article 218 of CRR). EurLex-2.

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Guidelines on supervisory reporting and disclosure requirements in compliance with CRR “quick fix” in response to the COVID‐19 pandemic; Implementing Technical Standard on Supervisory Reporting (Asset Encumbrance) Implementing Technical Standard on Supervisory Reporting (Forbearance and non-performing exposures)

EUR-Lex - 32013R0575 - EN Document 32013R0575. Help; Print this page; Text Document information Procedure Document summary Save to My items Up-to-date link Permanent link Bookmark this item; Download notice Follow this document Table of contents Hide Table of contents.

Last update: 06/04/2020 DELIVERED/ADOPTED WORK IN PROGRESS WORK NOT STARTED Page 1 Immpplemmeennttiin ngg aTTeecchhniiccall eSSttaannddaarrddss Ussuupppplleemmen ntti inngg iRReegguullaattiioonn ((EEU)) 557755//22001133 ((CC RRR)) aandd DDirreeccttivvee 22001133//3366//EEUU ((CCRRDD))

Help; Print this page; Text Document information Procedure Document summary Save to My items Up-to-date link Permanent EUR-Lex - 32019R0876 - EN Document 32019R0876. Help; Print this page; Text Document information Procedure Save to My items Up-to-date link Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR): Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 on prudential requirements for credit institutions and investment firmssets out, among other aspects: the rules for calculating capital requirements; reporting and general obligations for liquidity requirements Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR): REGULATION (EU) No 575/2013 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 26 June 2013 on Recital: Recital Interactive Single Rulebook.

november 23-án tette közzé a CRD irányelvet és a CRR rendeletet módosító javaslatait, melynek fő témakörei a tőkeáttételi és az NSFR mutató szabályainak a véglegezése, a piaci- és partnerkockázati, valamint a központi szerződő felekkel (CCP) szembeni kitettségek kockázati súlyozásának felülvizsgálata, illetve az arányosság elvén alapuló CRR Tillsynslagen, Lagen om kapitalbuffertar 25 till… 2014:12, 2014:1, 2007:16, 20 till.. Eba Riktlinjer Last update: 06/04/2020 DELIVERED/ADOPTED WORK IN PROGRESS WORK NOT STARTED Page 1 Immpplemmeennttiin ngg aTTeecchhniiccall eSSttaannddaarrddss Ussuupppplleemmen ntti inngg iRReegguullaattiioonn ((EEU)) 557755//22001133 ((CC RRR)) aandd DDirreeccttivvee 22001133//3366//EEUU ((CCRRDD)) EurLex-2. Institute, Die Institute weisen die Verluste nach den in Artikel 324 der CRR definierten Ereigniskategorien in den jeweiligen Spalten 010 bis 070 aus. eurlex-diff-2018-06-20. be the risk weighted exposure amounts for credit risk and own funds requirements of settlement/delivery risk as per CRR, eurlex-diff-2017 CRR-a). Mogu postojati i iznosi za retke koji odgovaraju ‚poslovnom bankarstvu’ i ‚poslovanju sa stanovništvom’ u skladu sa standardiziranim pristupom (redci 060 i 070) te u skladu s alternativnim standardiziranim pristupom u redcima 110 i 120 (npr.